Thursday, August 7, 2014

Will Ron Schieber clean up Platte County government?

The election for presiding commissioner is over.  Ron Schieber won.  Now the big question is, what will Ron Schieber do to move county forward away from corruption?  The tenure of Jason Brown has been dark, essentially amounting to turning the county over to his developer friends to loot.  This is not what Platte County needs.  This is not what voters want.   We do not want Platte County to be a Johnson County clone.   We can only hope that Ron Schieber will take positive steps to move the county away from the short-sighted influence of developers.  Ron Schieber stated that he opposes both Chapel Ridge and NBH, which is a good start.  Let's hope he keeps to his word and helps to rid Platte County of this corruption.


Unfortunately, things may still be dark in Platte City, as it has been hinted that Dan Erickson, director of Planning and Zoning, might recommend NBH, just as he did Chapel Ridge, again putting the profits of developer buddies ahead of the well-being, property values and safety of Platte County citizens.  Please, Dan,  put the interests of Platte County first and stop playing lackey to corrupt influences.

 Other News:

Sign the NO NBH petition here.

"Say NO to the NBH FourPlex & Commercial High-Density Development Plan for K / 45 Intersection" and "NBH Commercial FourPlexes to Triple Traffic"

"Jason Brown Helps Buddies Out, at Expense of Platte County"

Visit new website:  South Platte for Responsible Development

Defeat the NBH Proposal.  Attend the August 12 Planning and Zoning Meeting, 6:00 PM, Platte County Administration Building, 415 Third St., Platte City, MO 64079


  1. If Dan Erickson recommends NBH, he should be fired. Plain and simple.

  2. A good place for Ron to start cleaning up Platte corruption is to look at all the hair-brained developments that P&Z staff are recommending!!!!
