Thursday, August 14, 2014

Wanted: New Director of Planning and Zoning

Something beautiful is happening across Platte County.    Citizens across the county are standing up and demanding an end to county corruption -- which has reached epidemic levels.

Ground zero in this fight against corruption is Planning and Zoning, where the office itself has become but a rubber stamp for developers, putting at risk the safety and well-being of the county.

As one email forwarded to us about the current director Dan Erickson puts it:

it's true....Danny Erickson resides in county offices and hell he even collects a paycheck each month from taxpayers....but let's be honest, ... Danny  doesn't work for platte county... he works for developers.   
we need a director of planning and zoning that puts the interests of neighbors, citizens and taxpayers first and foremost and isn't some human rubber stamp for developers.

It's sad indeed that the once ethical P&Z has become this swamp of corruption.

There is some hope on the horizon, however.  Recently elected as presiding commissioner, Ron Schieber has promised to clean up corruption in Platte County government.  Well, there's no better place to start than with the P&Z Staff.

Let's demand an end to Platte County corruption.  Support new leadership for Planning and Zoning.

Let's work together and clean up Platte County Government!

-- Platte Republicans & Democrats United Against Government Corruption


  1. This will be a true litmus test for Schieber whether he's true to his word...

    If he gets rid of Erickson, we know he's serious about bringing integrity to office

    If Erickson remains, we'll know it's business as usual

    1. I pray Shieber is true to his word....

      If Erickson stays at P&Z, heaven help us all....

    2. Yes, let's hope Ron Schieber truly has good morals and and gets rid of Dan Erickson.

  2. I have a radical idea for Ron Schieber, an idea very radical for Platte County government: let's put Platte County first for a change.

    Erickson needs to go

  3. Wake up, Platte County! If changes aren't made in P&Z and made soon, your property values will be destroyed. It will happen all over the county. We are all under assault.

    1. Dan Erickson needs to resign. And so does the county engineer, Hobie Crane.

  4. When I moved to Platte County, I consulted the Land Use Plan to determine where to buy, what traffic would be and whether my property value would be maintained.

    Apparently the Land Use Plan and Ordinances don't mean shit to Dan Erickson..... His main game is to help his developer friends get rich.

    It's sick... I am truly disgusted by all of this....

  5. I voted for Ron Schieber

    hope he does right thing and gets new boss for planning and zoning

    ethics is important for any county department

  6. The corruption in platte county planning and zoning is allegedly so bad that people in other p&z departments (in other counties and cities) are now even allegedly gossiping about it....

    Wow, platte government really knows how to put us on the map...

    1. this is no rumor in my world...
      due to facebook comments, a retired friend at his weekly coffee get together has gotten his coffee buddies interested in the Chapel Ridge situation, he said they are keeping up on the news with as much interest as 1960's housewife watching a soap opera. This is in a County in Mid Missouri,,,,in the morning coffee group is a retired lawyer, retired self employed who had served on P&Z boards and a retired fellow who had been on the counties Commission for years through the 80's and 90's.....he said they are amazed at our very own Jason Brown's brazen disregard for the office of Presiding Commissioner,,,,,they even went back in our Platte County archives using a lap top in McDonalds to read up on his history of behavior!

    2. Interesting....I hope they uncover something!

  7. Dan Erickson is a disgrace to Platte County.

  8. Interesting about Mid Missouri people...

    A while back at GOP function in Johnson County I heard people talking about corruption in Platte County government

    The good ole boy corruption at Platte is becoming notorious

    You have Jason Brown....extremely corrupt POS who's good friends with David Barth. Barth is pushing NBH through now while buddy Brown is still in office

    Duane Soper is a home builder and sits on board of Wells Bank, which is invested in Chapel Ridge. One can only assume that Soper, as homebuilder and involved with Wells Bank, has had many dealings with Barth.

    Bob Shaw, county attorney, represented property sellers for Chapel Ridge. He did recuse himself from Chapel Ridge hearings, but he should never have represented sellers as county attorney. And the county certainly never should have used his services again after that incident (but they are).

    Then you have the Big Developers of Platte.... Jason Brown's financial backers...and the ones who call the shots behind the scenes

    And now they're trying to stack P&Z Board with pro-development stooges

    And then you have Dan Erickson... the nexus between all the above, the one who does all their bidding. The question: What's the pay off for Dan?

    1. To above list I'd also add Jeff Roe, of Axiom Strategies, who was Brown's consultant and who's involved with developers around Platte

      Also Ivan Foley, their little lap dog who's always eager to do a trick for them -- like sit or roll over -- for a treat

      I honestly think Ron Schieber means well...I know him....but when you're coming up against corruption this deeply'll be a rough ride

    2. To Duane Soper's credit he did recuse himself from voting on Chapel Ridge. That was the right thing to do.

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Does Jason Brown's girlfriend in Jefferson City fit into this equation?

    5. I disagree about Ivan Foley. I people have other gripes against him, but he has actually given fair coverage of both Chapel Ridge and NBH.

      I bet deep down Foley is as disgusted by the Brown / Erickson corruption as everyone else. Hopefully he will step up and be on the right side against this corruption.

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Dan Erickson is a jeanyus he knows stuff better than land use plan, ordinansez and other stupid crap

    1. anybody got any questions? dah I beena sellin' for a 12 years and dah...I likes him!

    2. wanna pull my finger?........meow

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Part of problem too is that Dan Erickson appears to be incompetent or just doesn't care. At all the Chapel Ridge meetings (I wasn't at NBH one because I had to work) when asked a serious question, Erickson would just look at floor and mumble something.

    Is this person who's heading P&Z?

    What a joke

  12. Hey, hey, yo, yo

    Dan Erickson has got to go

    Hey, hey, yo, yo

    Dan Erickson has got to go

    Hey, hey, yo, yo

    Dan Erickson has got to go

    Hey, hey, yo, yo

    Dan Erickson has got to go

    Hey, hey, yo, yo

    Dan Erickson has got to go

  13. Dear Ron Schieber, Beverlee Roper & Duane Soper,

    You can be on the side of truth, justice and rule of law.

    Or you can be on the side of Dan Erickson.

    You can't be on both.


  14. Since Dan Erickson already is working for developers in practice, he just needs to go work for them fully so that taxpayers no longer have to pay his salary.

    Get that resume out, Dan!

  15. Dear Planning & Zoning Board,

    My name is David Barth. I worked really hard on this plat. I mean really hard. You don’t know how hard. Like s-u-p-e-r hard. That hard.

    Please pass it. Or I’ll cry. I really will. And I’ll tell my Mom.

    Wanna see some drawings my brother did ten years ago? They’re cool.


    1. Don't worry, Dave. I've got your back. I'll ram this thing through the county commission faster than an 18 year old at a Las Vegas whorehouse.

      That reminds me. What are you doing this weekend?

    2. guys, can I go out with drinking you? Please please please i spoke up for nbh at meeting....i'll buy....come on....

    3. Dunn Construction GuyAugust 14, 2014 at 6:09 PM

      dude, tabb, pipe down... your a liability .....and chapel ridge is still in courts...maybe after its built and you upgrade from riss lake to the nationals...then you can hang with the Big Boys....until then, just be quiet and remember what we talked about

  16. maybe Danny boy can draw on your picture too? He likes to draw little houses...lots and lots of little, bitty houses..put em on 1 acre.... and call them BIG! he likes to spend hundreds of hours on his drawings...he is so proud of his little, bitty houses......the more he can get per acre..the mo money he can get paid.....

  17. Funny stuff

    David Barth and Jason Brown truly are good friends.

    Any ethical presiding commissioner would recuse himself under such circumstances

    But then again we're talking about Jason Brown here.

    I truly am worried about the history of Platte County as long as people like Jason Brown and Dan Erickson are in county government.

    I hope Schieber does the moral thing and gets rid of Erickson

    1. not "history" but worried about future of Platte county

      long day

  18. Idea...

    maybe people could put up county wide online petition to get rid of erickson and we could advertise it on I29 billboard up by platte city?

    how many signatures would it take?

    1. I'd chip in money to put up a billboard

  19. I don't think Dan is very bright so it is very easy for the developers to manipulate him. It still doesn't justify what he is doing. He needs to be replaced. But just saying!

  20. I'm a lifelong resident of Platte County and this neighborhood, and was against this development. But I also think there is a dangerous lack of critical thinking in this thread, one of 'guilt by association'. To associate the corruption in Platte County Government (and make no mistake, it runs through the courts as well) with the Barth's is just not right.

    I've known the Barth's for close to 50 years and they started with nothing. Hidden Valley, Thousand Oaks, Seven Bridges, Silverbrook, Highland Meadows, Stonegate, Montebella, Bella Ridge...all Barth Developments, and by any measure successful.

    Long term success and corruption do not live together; it just doesn't work like that.

    Do I want to lose the green pastures, the countryside view that I've known my entire life in Platte County? No. Do I agree with the way Platte County and Dan Erickson have rammed this through despite the voices of so many? No.

    But lets be clear; the Barth's are not the problem and bluntly, not really even part of the problem. Their track record is unmatched in Platte County and a development company doesn't succeed for this long by screwing people, or by shady practice. In case nobody noticed, I don't think I've ever seen the Barth's NOT working to make Platte County a great place to live.

    The problem is the elected officials of this county.

    1. I agree with you. Barth is just trying to make money.

      It's P&Z that's corrupt and not doing its duty.

      However, it's also a well known fact that Jason Brown and David Barth are very good friends. If Barth has any integrity, he will ask his good friend Jason Brown to recuse himself from hearing NBH. That would be the upright and honest thing for Barth to do.

  21. I'm sick and tired of corrupt RINOs like Jason Brown trying to destroy everybody's property value so his developer buddies can get rich. It's not right.

    I'm going to start a new Platte Tea Party group demanding new leadership at P&Z. Maintaining our property values demands it. The guy in charge there now is out of control.

  22. I voted for Ron Schieber and worked on his campaign. Give him a chance and hopefully he will do the right thing. I think everyone knows P&Z needs new leadership.
