Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Jason Brown & Chapel Ridge to cost taxpayers $136,750,000

If people think the corruption surrounding Jason Brown's JE Dunn contract costing taxpayers $350,000 is bad, the Chapel Ridge Ponzi scheme is even worse, as it could cost taxpayers $136,750,000 over a 20-year period.   This deal in the short-term will enrich Jason Brown's donor buddies and Brian Mertz and his investors,  and in the long-term taxpayers will pick up the tab.  Shame on Jason Brown.

Related Info:


  1. Kudos to Beverlee Roper for siding with taxpayers against this corruption

  2. This economic analysis is a good start…

    But I would figure the loss of property value for the surrounding area to be closer to $75 million….

  3. I'm making a spreadsheet but I'd figure the loss to surrounding property values to be at least $300 million. This is not at all unrealistic, as Chapel Ridge will affect the quality of life for miles surrounding it. I'll email spread sheet and data to back this up.

  4. Jason Brown calls the 2010 Land Use Plan already 4 years old as if that means it's no longer valid. That's his excuse I guess that he simply gives himself as a reason to completely ignore the Guiding Principles of the Plan that repeat themselves throughout 72 pages of it.
