Well, folks, we had the county commissioner meeting today and Jason Brown single-handedly rammed
the PR version of Chapel Ridge through, after making a couple cosmetic conditions of reducing a handful of houses along Countrywood and moving a fence by horses back 20 feet.
Beverlee Roper voted against Chapel Ridge. Jason Brown, using his power of presiding commissioner, voted twice and voted in favor of Chapel Ridge. (Duane Soper had recused himself because of his involvement with Wells Bank investment in Chapel Ridge. Jason Brown should have recused himself too, but didn't.)
In other words, among the 15 votes on Chapel Ridge so far (6 from
first P&Z hearing, 7 from
second P&Z hearing, and 2 from this county commissioner hearing), there have been 14 votes against Chapel Ridge, and one person has voted in favor of it and decided it. Doesn't sound very fair, does it?
The whole hearing was a farce. Jason Brown (by his own admission) had secret meeting last week over Chapel Ridge (to make a few minor concessions, for appearance sake). Some contractors were standing in the back of the room in favor of Chapel Ridge, who were probably being paid by the hour
by the developer or someone else to stand there. (Obviously they weren't too interested in the meeting. At one point, while the contractors were horsing around, they knocked a picture off the wall.)
Nonetheless, a huge turnout against Chapel Ridge showed up, and we would like to thank everyone for taking time out of their day to show up. The majority of people at the meeting were opposed to Chapel Ridge.
What now? This will probably be challenged in court. This decision has corruption and cronyism written all over it.
Why did Jason Brown turn against his constituents and vote in favor of something so at odds with the surrounding area and so unanimously opposed by people living in this area?
Simple answer: Jason Brown is in the pocket of Platte Valley Bank (financing Chapel Ridge and set to make millions off it) and other developers and real estate interests. (See donations list below.) A letter was sent to Jason Brown on Oct. 2 asking him to recuse himself from voting on Chapel Ridge because of a conflict of interest (i.e. Jason Brown being in the pocket of a handful of people benefiting financially from Chapel Ridge), but apparently Brown had to help his buddies out, even if it costs him politically, as it will. Already a Republicans Against Jason Brown committee is forming for his re-election next year. Brown will probably be challenged both in the Republican primary and the general election, and we won't forget this.
In the meantime, send an email to Beverlee Roper (beverlee.roper@co.platte.mo.us) and thank her for looking out for south Platte County. And maybe send an email to Jason Brown (jbrown@co.platte.mo.us) and thank him for siding with a
get-rich-quick Ponzi scheme against the legitimate interests of his voting constituents.
Who Owns Jason Brown?