Tuesday, August 27, 2013

More Chapel Ridge "Truth"?

Brian Mertz / Tabb Reese have set up their Facebook page, website and yard signs in favor of Chapel Ridge.  The theme of their advertising is that they're telling the "truth"; the opposition, "lies".

Here are a couple screen shots from their online "truth" ad campaign:

What is the problem here?

Well, the Chapel Ridge logo they're using in their online advertisements possibly isn't theirs.

In fact, the logo seems to come from a Chapel Ridge in North Carolina (see here, here, and here), and is possibly in violation of trademark law.

It is indeed ironic that Mertz / Reese are advertising their sites to be the "truth" versus "lies," and yet they're possibly stealing logos from other websites?  Why didn't they pay a graphic designer to make their own logo?  What about all the possible other misinformation on their webpages (such as photos of houses that do not yet exist and other possible empty promises)?  Can these people be trusted?


Someone from Southstar Communities responded to someone in our No Chapel Ridge opposition and said that the above logo is Southstar's, they did not give Mertz / Reese permission to use it, and that they were going to ask them to remove it.

Since Mertz / Reese seem to be too cheap to design their own logo and have to resort to stealing another company's logo, a graphic designer in our group kindly made a logo for them (free of charge, just as they like it):


  1. Platte County has partnered up with some real winners here.

    Is there a Missouri ethics real estate commission people could contact to notify them of these misleading practices?

  2. Wondering why their Facebook page with the truth deletes any questions that are posted.

  3. Just one more thing we can use as proof of lies in the meeting on September 10th.

  4. Looks like they finally changed the logo they were using illegally... Good thing tons of people got screens shots of all their advertisements..

    Email mary@morealtor.com

    If you want to file an ethics complaint

  5. It's been upsetting to hear the pro-Chapel Ridge side say the no-Chapel Ridge side are liars. Gee, now that's the pot calling the kettle black.

  6. I think the above logo needs more houses added to it.

  7. This logo is so wrong!! You need to add like 150 more houses to that square inch to make it more accurate!! :)
