Since Jason Brown has been completely discredited in Platte County through his alleged corruption, he apparently is moving the entire family to SW Missouri. He publicly is telling people it is for "cattle ranching," but gossip is that he allegedly wants to become involved in development and even run for public office in that area. Now that Jason Brown has helped to destroy Platte County, he is moving on to new pastures.
Nonetheless, this unfortunately does not mean an end to corruption in Platte County government. In fact, it seems to be business as usual. Ron Schieber campaigned on the promise to clean up corruption in Platte County government, and in Planning and Zoning in particular, but nothing has changed. There is no new leadership in P&Z. No new transparency in P&Z. Some of the new people appointed to the P&Z Commission have deep ties to the real estate industry and were put there to rubber stamp deals. And the county commissioners have done nothing to stop Chapel Ridge. In fact, they keep voting for it.